Welcome to the DNAblender.

As you can tell from the simple interface, the DNAblender is easy to use. Better yet, you use the computing power of our very reliable server. This means the DNAblender works every time you need it, from any computer with internet browsing capabilities. No downloads, no software installation, no incompatibility issues, no bothersome update notices.

Here's a few tips to help you get the most out of the DNAblender

First, the text box is where your paste your sequence.

Circular | Linear
When Circular is selected, the first and last nucleotides of the input sequence are joined. Linear sequences are treated as a fragment with two ends.

RESTRICTION DIGEST: All | None | > or = 5 bases | > or = 6 bases
Option for specifying enzymes used in the restriction digest.
    All: digest with every enzyme in the database.
    None: no digest performed.
    > or = 5 bases: only enzymes with site specificities equal to and greater then 5 nucleotides are selected.
    > or = 6 bases: : only enzymes with site specificities equal to and greater then 6 nucleotides are selected.

TRANSLATE SEQUENCE: Auto find first ATG | no offset | +1 | +2
Option for specifying the open reading frame for protein translation.
    Auto find first ATG: Automatically search the sequence for the first occurence of ATG and begin translation at that location.
    no offset: Begin translation with the first three nucleotides in the sequence.
    +1: Translation begins at the second nucleotide.
    +2: Translation begins with the third nucleotide:

OUTPUT: DNA | Amino acid | Complement | Reverse Complement
Select output options.
    DNA : Display input nucleotide sequence with position numbering. Note, RNA is converted to DNA and all unrecognized characters are omitted. Untranslated nucleotides are in lowercase and translated nucleotides appear in UPPERCASE.
    Amino acid: The translated amino acid (three-letter code) is displayed directly below the corresponding three nucleotide codon. This option can be deselected if you wish to copy and paste only the DNA sequence into another application.
    Complement: Display the complement of the input sequence. See example below.
    Reverse Complement: Display the reverse complement of the input sequence.
    input sequence     : ACGTACGT
    complement         : TGCATGCA
    reverse complement : ACGTACGT